
Assuming I have an SMTP/IMAP/POP3 login URL like this:


I want to replace the password (abc in this case) by a constant number of stars (e.g. *****) in order to hide it from users.

What I tried so far heavily uses lookarounds:

def starPassword(route):
    >>> starPassword("smtp://")
    >>> starPassword("smtp://")
    # Regex explanation:
    #  (?<=\w+://\w+:) matches the colon before the password without consuming 
    #  ([^@]+) matches the password (TODO use a better match, passwords might contain @! Check escaping)
    #  (?=@[^@]+$) matches the @ after the server, plus the rest of the URL
    return re.sub("(?<=:)([^@]+)(?=@[^@]+$)", "*****", route)
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest

Unfortunately, this regex has several problems, including:

  • The first unit test succeeds, but the second doesn't, because the protocol (smtp:// colon is matched). I tried (?<=\w+://\w+:), but lookbehinds need to be custom length. Maybe I can consume those URL parts and replace by something like \1*****\2) or similar?
  • Passwords containing @ and/or : won't be recognized, I'm not even sure of how they are escaped (this is why I don't use the non-greedy flag)

Note that I can't use Python3 (urlparse module) -- also I don't want to use third-party libraries unless strictly neccessary.

Thanks in advance for pointing me in the right direction.

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You can use the urlparse.urlsplit() function (which is also available in Python 2); the .netloc parameter would contain the username and password (which both would be escaped to not contain plain : or @ characters, see RFC 3986 Section 3.2.1):

import urlparse

def starPassword(route):
    parsed = urlparse.urlsplit(route)
    if '@' not in parsed.netloc:
        return route

    userinfo, _, location = parsed.netloc.partition('@')
    username, _, password = userinfo.partition(':')
    if not password:
        return route

    userinfo = ':'.join([username, '*****'])
    netloc = '@'.join([userinfo, location])
    parsed = parsed._replace(netloc=netloc)
    return urlparse.urlunsplit(parsed)


>>> starPassword('smtp://')
>>> starPassword('smtp://')
>>> starPassword('smtp://')
>>> starPassword('smtp://')


Use this regular expression:


I added : to [^@]. Hence, this regular expression will match the string between : and @ without any : or @ in-between.

print( re.sub("(?<=:)([^@:]+)(?=@[^@]+$)", "*****",
              "smtp://") )

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