
I'm trying to get a String from SavedPreferences and put it's contents into a Spanned class so it can be displayed in an EditText field using Html markup. I have pasted my current code below however I see why it doesn't work as a String and Spanned are not the same types...does anyone know of a good way around this?

public class SavedItemsActivity extends ItemsActivity {

private static SharedPreferences saveditems;

public Spanned getItem() {
    Spanned item = null;
    item = Html.fromHtml(saveditems.getString("CurrentSavedItem",""));
    return item;

I am unable to pass the string to the EditText directly. I tried using the below code (where 'itemtext' is the EditText):


The EditText is declared in the other ItemGenActivity as below:

public EditText itemtext
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You cannot modify ItemGenActivity from another activity. ItemGenActivity can load the SharedPreferences and apply the value to its own EditText.

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