
So my most basic question here is: how do you build TCP interfaces into your Java EE applications? Instead of interacting with a legacy EIS, I need to interact with a block of TCP/IP ports. Ideally, I'd like a message-driven bean to have it's onMessage method invoked by an incoming TCP request and also be able to respond back over the same connection.

JCA seems general enough to be capable of something like this within a Java EE environment. Would developing a custom connector be the appropriate technique for integrating inbound/outbound TCP interfaces in a Java enterprise ecosystem?

As far as what I've tried so far: we're currently utilizing a lifecycle module which starts by kicking off a number of TCP listeners; this invokes a message-driven bean which calls a business method, and it all returns over the same TCP stream. This is actually working alright, but the lifecycle support in my application server (Glassfish) feels like it has been added as an afterthought. So, JCA seems like a first-class solution to this sort of problem and it seems to enable us to communicate over TCP.

However, from the initial research we've conducted, it does seem like the connector architecture is 'targeted' towards legacy information systems, not generalized TCP communication. So, my question could be rendered: are people using custom JCA's to integrate TCP/IP into their Java EE applications -- or is there a better technique for accepting TCP connections from my EJBs?

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MXBeans and JCA (MXBeans are easier, have implemented both) but basically you only need 2 things start/stop and possibly to rely on other MXBeans/JCA/JNDI to carry out your services w/ the AppServer generating the needed proxies for you.

Real application: hacked tomcat w/ the NIO acceptor that can trap connections on 80+443ports and still use the web-server normally. Followed by full platform (incl. own (re)deployer) to manage sessions/messages and all the jazz.


It seems you already resolved your initial problem. It's nice, but to help people through, this is a nice sample on the matter:

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