
I have a tabactivity with several tabs. Each tab has an ActivityGroup associated with it, and uses a LocalActivityManager to handle local activity stacks. This all seems to be working properly although I have not done any extensive debugging on it yet.

A few of my activities need to open windows which don't have the tabactivity widget at the top. This seemed straight forward enough to me and I called it like any other Activity:

Intent i = new Intent(this, ActivityLeaveTabs.class);

Everything seems to work just fine to be honest, however every time I leave the tabactivity I am getting the following warning:

couldn't save which view has the focus because the focused view$DecorView@43e4a3888 has no id

I should mention that I am sending this intent out from one of the activities which is part of an Activitygroup which itself represents one of the tabs from the tabactivity. I suspect the problem is stemming from calling "startActivity(this,..." from there, but I tried a bunch of variations using getParent() which did not help.

I am not exactly clear on what the warning means or if it is actually a problem. Any help resolving the warning or if anyone can tell me not to worry about it (the program seems to be working just fine) would be much appreciated!

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It sounds like it has something to do with saving focus as a new activity comes to the front.

This sheds a little light on the issue; the DecorView contains all the other views in your activity. There is not usually a reason for it to have an id (although you might be able to set one programmatically). Since it's not a big deal whether or not the background has focus, I think you can safely ignore this warning.

An interesting test would be to try to launch your next activity via a button's onClick or something else that would require having another view gain focus and then seeing if you still get the warning.

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