
The documentation of Bottle show how to use beaker for session management, like the following

import bottle
from beaker.middleware import SessionMiddleware

session_opts = {
    'session.type': 'file',
    'session.cookie_expires': 300,
    'session.data_dir': './data',
    '': True
app = SessionMiddleware(, session_opts)

def test():
  s = bottle.request.environ.get('beaker.session')
  s['test'] = s.get('test',0) + 1
  return 'Test counter: %d' % s['test']

My problem is, I have multiple bottle applications, and each of them serves a virtual host (that is powered by cherrypy). So I can not use decorate "@bottle.route", instead, I need to use decorate like "app1.route('/test')" , "app2.route('/test')" .

But if I warp app with Beaker middleware, like the following,

app1= Bottle()
app2= Bottle()
app1 = SessionMiddleware(app1, session_opts)
app2 = SessionMiddleware(app2, session_opts)

when python run to the following ,

def test():
    return 'OK'

it will report error, AttributeError: 'SessionMiddleware' object has no attribute 'route'

That's for sure, because now app1 is actually a 'SessionMiddleware' not a Bottle app.

How to solve that issue?

No correct solution


After digging into the beaker source code a little, finally I found the way.

Use the decorator this way:

def test():
    return 'OK'
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