
I would like to do something like...

_.extend(original, fresh);

But only to copy over attributes that are not null, so...

var original = {a:1, b:2, c:3}
var fresh = {a:5, b:null}

var mixed = _.extend(original, fresh)
// currently mixed is {a:5,b:null,c:3}
// I want it to be {a:5,b:2,c:3}


I made some progress, but it does not work with nested objects...

var original = {a:1, b:2, c:3, d:{g:1}}
var fresh = {a:5, b:null,c:"", d:{e:4,f:5,g:null}}

var mixed = _.extend( original, _.reduce(fresh,function(a,v,k){ 
     if(v){ a[k]=v; } 
     return a; 
}, {}) )

// currently mixed is {"a":5,"b":2,"c":3,"d":{"e":4,"f":5,"g":null}}
// I want it to be {"a":5,"b":2,"c":3,"d":{"e":4,"f":5,g:1}}
Was it helpful?


A touch of javascript with a dash of underscore:

  extendNonNull: function(obj) {
    _.each(,1), function(source) {
      if (source) {
        for (var prop in source) {
          if( _.isObject(source[prop]) && _.isObject(obj[prop])){
             obj[prop] = _.extendNonNull(obj[prop], source[prop]);
          else if( !_.isNull(source[prop])){
             obj[prop] = source[prop];
    return obj;

var original = {a:1, b:2, c:3, d:{g:1}};
var fresh = {a:5, b:null,c:"", d:{e:4,f:5,g:null}};

var mixed = _.extendNonNull(original, fresh);


if you are using lodash or underscore, this is how you can do:

import _ from 'lodash';
let result = _.merge({},target, source);
let clonedNonNull = _.omit(result,_.isNull);

Using Lodash you can pass a filter function as last parameter of the assignWith function.
Then you can filter the null values or more specific cases and merge more than 2 objects at the same time.

let obj1 = {a: 'foo', b: null}
let obj2 = {a: null, b: 'bar'}

// acc is the accumulator value
function filter(acc, newValue) {
  let isNull = _.isNull(newValue);
  return isNull ? acc : newValue;

let mixin = _.assignWith({}, obj1, obj2, filter); // {a: 'foo', b: 'bar'}
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