
given the following running on a windows machine, I would expect a file to be created in the document root directory, but it is not.

$file = str_replace("\\",'/',dirname(__FILE__).'/swsql.bat');
$handle = fopen($file,'w+b'); //using binary mode for windows

I am following the documentation given here and since the project I'm working on is running php version 4 I cannot use file_put_contents(). Also I have tried it without specifying binary mode and get the same result.

I've used echo to output the $file variable with and without the str_replace. without it the string contains backslashes \ with it the string contains forward slashes / according to the documentation if you don't want to escape backslashes \\ you can use forward slashes as windows respects both. Since dirname(__FILE__) returns unescaped backslashes, I'm fixing it using str_replace. The contents of $file are exactly what I'd expect them to be, the current path of the file being interpreted appended with /swsql.bat/ Also there are no errors in the error log.


changing $file = str_replace("\\",'/',dirname(__FILE__).'/swsql.bat');
to $file = str_replace("\\",'/',dirname(__FILE__)).'/swsql.bat'; fixed the issue.


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$file = str_replace("\\",'/',dirname(__FILE__).'/swsql.bat'); 


$file = str_replace("\\",'/',dirname(__FILE__)).'/swsql.bat'; 

fixed the issue.

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