
I'm a new developer when it comes to PHP. Lately, I make some UI using ext.js and PHP for my actions. This UI can add a profile of a person. Now, My problem is that whenever I add a profile name of a person to the UI and it start with a space character, the data still it be saved along with the space character. All I want is that there must be a catch whenever I add a spaces from the beginning or in the end of a statement.

This is what I've tried so far:

   public function executeAddRegion(sfWebRequest $request)
 $by = $_SESSION['employee_id'];
 $now = date("Y-m-d H:I:s");

     $description = strip_tags(pg_escape_string($request->getParameter("description")));

 // $description  = $request->getParameter("description");

    $query = "insert into country.regions
                     ('".$description."', $by,'$now')";

    $msg = "New Region Successfully Saved.";



  catch(Exception $e)


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Use trim to remove leading/trailing spaces.
Use ltrim (left trim) to remove leading spaces.
Use rtrim (right trim) to remove trailing spaces.

$data = " hello ";

$data = trim($data); // "hello"
$data = ltrim($data); // "hello "
$data = rtrim($data); // " hello"

Do it, before inserting your data in DB.

Edit: if you want to test if there was spaces, you can do like this:

if (trim($data) == $data)
   // OK
   // data contained some spaces (leading or trailing)


You could also use MySQL trim string function before inserting or while selecting

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