
There is a possibility to search using grep in TextWrangler

I want to find and replace the following word: bauvol, but not bauvolumen. I tried typing ^bauvol$ into the search field but that didn't do the trick, it didn't find anything, although the word is clearly there.

I think it's because, in grep, the ^and $signify start and end of line, not a word?!

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You want to use \b as word boundaries, as @gromi08 said:


If you want to copy any portion of this word (so you can replace it, modify it, change the case, etc.) it is usually best to wrap it in ( and ) braces so you can reference them in the Replace box:



Did you have anything specific you were trying to do with the result once you found it (cut it, duplicate it, etc.)?


Use the -w option of grep (see grep man-page. This option searches for the expression as a word.

Therefore the command will be:

cat file.txt | grep -w bauvol

And yes, ^ and $ are for start and end of line.

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