
I am new in ext js and wanted to do some POC for Grid. I need to read the data from oracle database and click on editor updater and then get that updated that and then pass it to a servlet for editing.

I did till rendering data from Database but now unable to prodeed as not getting how to get updated data and pass it to servlet.

Please find my code for Grid -


// Define Person entity
// Null out built in convert functions for performance *because the raw data 

  Ext.onReady(function() {


// setup the state provider, all state information will be saved to a cookie

    Ext.define('person', {
                extend: '',
                fields: [

                    {name: 'sso', type: 'string'},
                    {name: 'fname', type: 'string'},

                    {name: 'lname', type: 'string'},
                    {name: 'msso', type: 'string'},
                    {name: 'email_address', type: 'string'},
                    {name: 'person_status', type: 'string'}                     

 var ds = new{
              autoLoad: true, 
             actionMethods: {create: "POST", read: "POST", update:          "POST", destroy: "POST"},
         proxy: {  
             type: 'ajax',      
             url: '/identityiq/FormAction',       
             reader: {      
                 type: 'xml',
                 record: 'record'


var cellEditing = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
                clicksToEdit: 1

   // create the Grid
var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
    store: ds,
    columns: [
            text     : 'SSO',
            sortable : true,
            dataIndex: 'sso'
                    id: 'fname',
                    header: 'First Name',
                    dataIndex: 'fname',
                    flex: 1,
                    field: {
                        allowBlank: false

            id: 'lname',
            header     : 'Last Name',
            sortable : true,
            dataIndex: 'lname',
            field: {
                        allowBlank: false
            text     : 'Manager SSO',
            width    : 80,
            sortable : true,               
            dataIndex: 'msso'
            text     : 'Email Address',
            width    : 80,
            sortable : true,               
            dataIndex: 'email_address'
            text     : 'Personstatus',
            width    : 35,
            sortable : true,               
            dataIndex: 'person_status'
    selModel: {
        selType: 'cellmodel'
    height: 350,
    width: 600,
    title: 'Array Grid',
    renderTo: 'myDiv',
    viewConfig: {
        stripeRows: true,
        enableTextSelection: true
    frame: true,
    tbar: [
     text: 'Save',

     handler: function ()
        // myGrid is a reference to your Ext.grid.Panel instance
        if (grid.editingPlugin.editing) {

            var value = grid.editingPlugin.getActiveEditor().field.value;

            alert('Value: ' + value);
    plugins: [cellEditing]

-- in this code i am getting error that TypeError: grid.editingPlugin.getActiveEditor(...) is null

Request you to please answer this as i am stuck and need to present this POC.

Thanks, Ashwini

As per the answer below following code is working fine if i replace the save Handler -

    handler: function ()

        var modified_data ={};
        modified_data = ds.getModifiedRecords();

        for (var i = 0; i < modified_data.length; i++) {
    var record =          modified_data[i];                 
Was it helpful?


I guess that problem with your Save button handler is that you are trying to get active editor for a cell, but cell editor is automatically removed once it loses focus so grid.editingPlugin.getActiveEditor() return null.

Good thing is that you don't have to do this, Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing automatically updates appropriate store record for you, so all you have to do to get all modifications inside your Save button handler is this:

// Simply use your store method for fetching modified records

If you need to do something after cell is edited, then you should check out Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing edit event.


Try using grid's SelectionModel to get the data, something like

var valueList = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelection(); //Returns an array of the currently selected records.
var value =  valueList[0].data.fname; //Should get First Name
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