
I have a string which looks like this:

43.3433443 25.3434334), (43.32424432 25.435345345, 43.21313123, 25.32432423423), (43.123123123 25.344234234, 43.1234123123 25.23213123))

I need to extract everything that is between ( and ) as well as ( and )) with preg_match_all

I have the following regex, which works for extracting everything between ( and ) but not ( and ))

preg_match_all('/\), \(([A-Za-z0-9., ]+?)\)/', $data[$x], $inner);

I've tried using:

preg_match_all('/\), \(([A-Za-z0-9., ]+?)\)|\), \(([A-Za-z0-9., ]+?)\)\)/', $data[$x], $inner);


preg_match_all('/(?=\), \(([A-Za-z0-9., ]+?)\))(?=\), \(([A-Za-z0-9., ]+?)\)\))/', $data[$x], $inner);

But none of them have worked. How would I go about to include both cases?

Thank you.


I forgot to mention, the string contains numbers within multiple starting and ending parentheses that I don't want, i.e. two parantheses ---> (( numbers here ))) <---3 parantheses

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Use following regex:


Live demo

PHP code:

preg_match_all('/([^()]+?)\)/', $data[$x], $inner);

Regex for your last update:


Live demo


I may be wrong in this, but () can be found in ()), so why not just look for () and be done:

$str = '43.3433443 25.3434334), (43.32424432 25.435345345, 43.21313123, 25.32432423423), (43.123123123 25.344234234, 43.1234123123 25.23213123))';


echo '<pre>',print_r($matches),'</pre>';
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