
I'm using CouchApp to build an easy web application that allows to upload and manage pictures. The actual image file is stored as attachment to the doc like show below.

  "data":"some additional fields with info about the image",

But for integrating the image in html i need the url to the attachment. How do i get this url?

I'm using evently and mustache for generating the web pages. Below is the data.js for reading the data:

function(data) {
  return {
    items : {
      return {
        id : r.value._id,
        rev : r.value._rev,
        title : r.value.description,
        url : "how am i supposed to do this?"
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The URL to the attachment would be http://domain/database/09fe82d75a26f9aa5e722d6b220180d2/foo.jpg

If your filenames are dynamic, you would have to iterate the _attachments object and fetch the keys on your way - that's where your filename would be.

for(var filename in r.value._attachments){break;}
// ...
url : '<database>/' + r.value._id +'/'+filename;
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