
I'm writing an example app using Devise + OmniAuth for logging in and the twitter gem to get the users name. I'd like to add a few integration tests but I don't know what to do with the twitter gem.

Here's my user model (which is where most of the logic is found):

def build_authentication(omniauth)
  # If the provider is twitter, get additional information                    
  # to build a user profile.                                                  
  if omniauth['provider'] == 'twitter'         

  # now put the authentication in the database                          => omniauth['provider'],
                        :uid => omniauth['uid'],
                        :token => omniauth['credentials']['token'],
                        :secret => omniauth['credentials']['secret'])
def build_twitter(omniauth)
  Twitter.configure do |config|
    config.consumer_key = TWITTER_KEY
    config.consumer_secret = TWITTER_SECRET
    config.oauth_token = omniauth['credentials']['token']
    config.oauth_token_secret = omniauth['credentials']['secret']
  client = =

I've added the following to my spec_helper.rb so that I pass the login part of the integration test:

OmniAuth.config.test_mode = true
OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:twitter] = {
  'provider' => 'twitter',
  'uid' => '12345',
  'credentials' => {
    'token' => '12345',
    'secret' => '54321'

But I can't figure out how to test the build_twitter method which uses the twitter gem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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My first note is that you can get their twitter name without the twitter gem. I've renamed the fields (twitter_handle, real_name) to be specific.

self.twitter_handle ||= omniauth['user_info']['nickname']
self.real_name = omniauth['user_info']['name']

You can then test this with omniauth test mode. Somewhere in your Cucumber before hooks or rspec helpers

  OmniAuth.config.test_mode = true

  # the symbol passed to mock_auth is the same as the name of the provider set up in the initializer
  OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:twitter] = {
    "user_info"=>{"nickname"=>"joshcrews", "name"=>"Josh Crews", "location"=>"Nashville, TN", "image"=>"", "description"=>"Christian, Nashville web developer, Ruby", "urls"=>{"Website"=>"", "Twitter"=>""}}

To test, just assert/should that your user's name is now either "joshcrews" or "Josh Crews" depending on what you are looking for

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