
Say I have an array in PHP that looks like so:

    $values = Array(
        '0' => 'value1',
        '1' => 'value2',
        '2' => 'value3'

I'd like to iterate through the array using Mustache but I'd like the associated value. This is what I'm hoping to do:

        {{the current value}}

I hope there returned result would be:


I've been getting around this by changing my structure to:

    $values = Array(
        '0' => array('value=' =>'value1'),
        '0' => array('value=' =>'value2'),
        '0' => array('value=' =>'value3'),

And call {{valule}} inside the Mustache iterator.

Should I be doing this a completely different way? I'm using a SplFixedArray in PHP and I'd like to iterate through the values using this method...


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The implicit Iterator is the way to go for simple data. If your data is more complex then PHPs ArrayIterator does the job well.

Here is an example that I have working. Hope it is useful for somebody else.

$simple_data = array('value1','value2','value3');   
$complex_data = array(array('id'=>'1','name'=>'Jane'),array('id'=>'2','name'=>'Fred') );

$template_data['simple'] = $simple_data;
$template_data['complex'] = new ArrayIterator( $complex_data ); 

$mustache->render('template_name', $template_data );

And in the template you could have

      {{.}}<br />

   <p>{{ id }} <strong>{{ name }}</strong></p>


You can use the implicit iterator feature of mustache for this:


Your original array probably needs numeric keys and now string though. It might work that way, but I haven't tested it.

I was working on a super old php framework, which was using smarty like syntax but double curly braces, kept me hanging for quite sometime, so the following made the loop run for me :) maybe it will help you too.

{{ #each link in bluelinks }}
  <p><strong>{{ link }}</strong></p>
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