
I am using JavaScript Lint for checking JavaScript source code. It's working fine with recursive analysis showing results in command window, but I would like to integrate JavaScript Lint results to Hudson (running JavaScript Lint from batch file). How can I get log of JavaScript Lint saved to XML? There are output format configuration in JavaScript Lint, but those customize format of error message.

Thank you in advance, Andrey

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Solution 2

I have found the solution for applying Jslint in Hudson. Instead of JavaScript Lint there is jslint4java which reports in XML format. Here is step by step instructions:

  1. Download jslint4java
  2. Prepare Ant script which prepares list of all JS files in project recursively, example:

    <project name="JSlint" default="jslint" basedir=".">
        Verify JS files
    <target name="jslint" description="Run the JSLint tool on JS files">
    <fileset dir="ProjectForVerification/js" id="jsfiles.raw">
    <include name="*.js" />
    <exclude name="*.min.js" />
    <pathconvert pathsep=" " property="jsfiles.clean" refid="jsfiles.raw" />
    <exec executable="java" output="jslint.xml">
    <arg line="-jar jslint4java.jar --report xml ${jsfiles.clean}" />
  3. Apply Ant script in Hudson for a job and select Jslint output file name (jslint.xml) in 'Report Violations'

Credits: Here is useful post which I found on this topic.


In case anyone's interested, here's a Maven POM snippet we use to run JSlint:

            <taskdef name="jslint" classname="com.googlecode.jslint4java.ant.JSLintTask" classpathref="maven.plugin.classpath" />
            <jslint encoding="UTF-8" options="indent=4,evil,laxbreak">
              <formatter type="plain" />
              <fileset dir="${basedir}/src/main/javascript" includes="**/*.js" />
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