
Background: I am trying to create an app which looks a little like Yahoo Weather App. In that app, you may add more than 1 locations. You can swipe left and right to get to a new location. While you are swiping there is a clear black separator between the two location views (more than 1 pixel thick).

Problem: I can only create a separator which also appears as a black boarder around my stationary view, if I were to get a separator. Otherwise, The views are connected without and indicator.

Question: How do I make separator, without adding boarder to my view controllers.(ie padding between viewcontrollers)

Current enter image description here

Want enter image description here

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In your page view controller's container:

NSDictionary* options = @{ UIPageViewControllerOptionInterPageSpacingKey : [NSNumber numberWithFloat:2.0f] };

self.pageViewController = [[UIPageViewController alloc] 
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