
We need to have non-developers create dozens of input forms with XAML.

The best solution I found was the free XAML Power Toys since you can create and edit grids visually, also create from classes.

I took a look at Blend 3 quickly, dragged a Grid into my Window but found no options to actually create, say, a 4 x 10 grid with labels. I thought Blend would have these kinds of options so that designers could quickly design a grid with label/control pairs.

Am I missing something about Blend, or does it really not have any input form designing features?

Was it helpful?


Hm. Would that be any more natural than, say, an option to create a StackPanel with images or a DockPanel with TextBoxes?

What I'm getting at is that even though a grid with labels is a natural UI design for you, most designers (whom Blend is targeting) would regard such features as "Microsoft Word-ish" or even (shudder) "Front Page-ish" and stifling their creativity. I guess.

Actually, both Blend and Visual Studio allow you to create and edit grids visually. It's really quite fast once you get the hang of it.

And then there is copy/paste, of course..


Blend does have this capability. You can even do this directly in Visual Studio's WPF Designer. It's a matter of learning the tools. You can still just make a grid, set it to 4 columns and 10 rows (which adds the Column and Row definitions to the grid), and then drag in the elements you want.

The problem is probably more that you're trying to treat WPF the same way as a tool like Windows Forms - in which case, it does a horrible job. WPF is all about learning how to use WPF effectively, which is a very different mindset (in my experience, it's usually easier for non-developers to pick up, but tough for developers).

There are not automatic grid creation with label/entry control tools, however. This is more likely a job for something like the DataGrid from the WPF Toolkit.

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