
I am trying to create a rule that redirects /parent/special/{anything} to /parent/{anything}. In other words to remove the "special" from the URL if it is there after "parent". This is for a .NET application, more specifically for Can someone help with this?

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Solution 2

It's actually very simple, try this:

Redirect all requests from: parent/special/(.*)

to: parent/$1

If you're using Apache, the RewriteRule would look like this:

RewriteRule parent/special/(.*) parent/$1 [R=301]


If you're using a PCRE compliant language, you could use this:


And replace with: $1$2.


If you specifically want /parent, just replace \w+ with parent.

Edited to allow for anything after /special.

The following regex:


Would capture the /parent/ path only if it's followed by special.

Check it here

you can try this:

sed -i 's/parent\/special/parent/g' file.txt
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