
I develop a project which consisting of several shared libraries and build it with CMake. Each library is built via add_subdirectory().

What is the best way to add all the API headers of the fist library to the CMakeLists.txt of the second?

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Encode the include directories in the target itself:

That doc is new, but the target_include_directories command exists since CMake 2.8.11. Use it with the INTERFACE or PUBLIC option.


To make an answer of steveire complete:

for the library which exports API we should write

target_include_directories("target_with_api" INTERFACE "path_to_api_includes")

and for the library which uses this API we write

target_include_directories("api_client_target_name" PRIVATE

where $<TARGET_PROPERTY:"target_with_api",INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES>) returns us target property assigned to the library with API

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