
I am working my way through the Contoso sample for some TDD practice and my tests for retrieving students are passing.

My test for creating a new student fails (although the actual code works) as I believe the DBContext is not being mocked.

What should I refactor in order to get this test to past?

The test fails as so:

Contoso.Tests.Controllers.StudentControllerTest.Create_HttpPost_Should_Save_New_Student: Expected: 9 But was: 8

Heres the concrete UnitOfWork

public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
    private SchoolContext context = new SchoolContext();

    private IStudentsRepository studentsRepository;

    private bool disposed = false;

    public IStudentsRepository StudentsRepository
            if (this.studentsRepository == null)
                this.studentsRepository = new StudentsRepository(context);
            return studentsRepository;

    public void Save()

    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (!this.disposed)
            if (disposing)
        this.disposed = true;

    public void Dispose()

The StudentController

public class StudentController : Controller
    private IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;

    public StudentController(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
        this._unitOfWork = unitOfWork;


    public ActionResult Create(Student student)
        if (ModelState.IsValid)

            return RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = student.StudentID });

        return View(student);


Here's where I mock the IUnitOfWork

    public static IUnitOfWork MockUnitOfWork(List<Student> students)
        var mockUnitOfWork = new Mock<IUnitOfWork>();

        mockUnitOfWork.Setup(x => x.StudentsRepository.Students()).Returns(students.AsQueryable());

        return mockUnitOfWork.Object;

Here's the failing test

private IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = UnitTestHelpers.MockUnitOfWork(testData);

    public void Create_HttpPost_Should_Save_New_Student()
        // Arrange
        var studentsCount = unitOfWork.StudentsRepository.Students().Count();
        var controller = new StudentController(unitOfWork);
        var student = Fakes.FakeStudentsData.CreateStudent();

        // Act
        var result = controller.Create(student);

        // Assert
        Assert.AreEqual(studentsCount+1, unitOfWork.StudentsRepository.Students().Count());
        Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(RedirectToRouteResult), result);
Was it helpful?


It looks like the Add method for StudentRepository needs to be mocked as well. I'm not if sure if the syntax is right, but try the following:

public static IUnitOfWork MockUnitOfWork(List<Student> students)
    var mockUnitOfWork = new Mock<IUnitOfWork>();

    mockUnitOfWork.Setup(x => x.StudentsRepository.Students()).Returns(students.AsQueryable());
    mockUnitOfWork.Setup(x => x.StudentsRepository.Add(It.IsAny<Student>())).Callback<Student>((s) => students.Add(s));

    return mockUnitOfWork.Object;
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