
 <tbody data-bind='foreach: $root.icdCodes'>
                <input type="text" list="icdcodes" data-bind="value: DiagnosisCd, event: {focusout: $root.dxCodeLostFocus }">
                <datalist id="icdcodes" data-bind="foreach: $root.icdCodesDropdown">
                <option data-bind="text: $data.DiagnosisCd">




vm.dxCodeLostFocus = function () {
   vm.icdCodes.push({ ID: '', DiagnosisCd: '' });

I am adding a html5 datalist control dynamically in the UI. The observable array icdCodesDropdown contains more than 10,000 records. Every time I tab out of the input text control associated with the datalist, it takes 10 sec to add another input control.

Can something be done for faster response?

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Solution 2

The link below helped me solve the problem. Instead of filling the datalist all at once, I am filling it dynamically when user types something in the input control.


Have a look at We use it for large collections instead of foreach.

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