
I try to include QuickDialog into one of my projects and just can't get it to work. I did the following:

  1. downloaded it from github
  2. copied it into my project directory
  3. drag and droped the QuickDialog.xcodeproj file downloaded from github previously from Finder to my project
  4. in the Build Phases, Added QuickDialog (the lib, not the example app) as a Target Dependency
  5. in the Link Binary With Libraries section, added the libQuickDialog.a library (this turns red actually don't know why)
  6. In my Prefix.pch file, add: #import <QuickDialog/QuickDialog.h>

cause this didn't work I also tried the following:

  1. added -Objc and -all_load to my "Other Linker Flags"
  2. added $(SOURCE_ROOT)/escoz-QuickDialog-b5f67f1 to "User Header Search Path"

this also didn´t work I always get the error QuickDialog/QuickDialog.h file not found at the line #import <QuickDialog/QuickDialog.h> What do I do wrong?

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Solution 2

So the solution to this problems are, as posted in the comments, the quotes on “${PROJECT_DIR}/QuickDialog” as you can see there two different quotes.

The solution is to NOT copy it from the documentary, instead just type it yourself and your are fine.

It should look like this: "${PROJECT_DIR}/QuickDialog"

Thats the trick.


Did you not do exactly these steps too, from the documentation:

Locate the “User Header Search Paths” setting, and set the Release value to “${PROJECT_DIR}/QuickDialog” (including quotes!) and check the “Recursive” check box.

The Debug value should already be set, but if it’s not, change that as well.

Also locate the “Always Search User Paths” value and set it to YES. Finally, find the “Other Linker Flags” option, and add the value “-ObjC” (no quotes).

These instructions do work.

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