
I got a locales declaration in my parameters.yml

    locale:            en
    locales:           [ en, de, fr, it, es, pt, ru, ja, zh ]

and want to reuse the locales param in routing.yml

    pattern: /{_locale}
    defaults: { _controller: SiteBundle:World:index }
    requirements: { _locale: %locales% }

But this obviously results in

The container parameter "locales", used in the route configuration value 
"%locales%", must be a string or numeric, but it is of type array.

Is there a way to reuse this param or do I really have to write the locales as a string to satisfy this yaml/regex format, like this:

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Solution 2

What about it:

    locale:            en
    locales:           en|de|fr|it|es|pt|ru|ja|zh


In src/AppBundle/DependencyInjection/AppExtension.php

you can add in load function this code

    $languages = $container->getParameter('languages');
    $container->setParameter('languages_string', implode('|', $languages));

Then you will can use in your annotation

     *     requirements={"_locale": "%languages_string%"},

It prevent from duplicate parameters in your config file.

Maybe you must try

_locale: en|de|fr|it|es|pt|ru|ja|zh

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