
Consider that I have a table which contains data in the following form:

Foo_FK  MonthCode_FK  Activity_FK  SumResultsX  SumResultsY
1       201312        0            10           2
1       201312        1            5            1
1       201401        0            15           3
1       201401        1            7            2
2       201312        0            9            3
2       201312        1            1            2
2       201401        0            6            2
2       201401        1            17           4

For my purposes, it is safe to assume that this table is an aggregation which would have been created by a GROUP BY on Foo_FK, MonthCode_FK, Activity_FK with SUM( ResultsA ), SUM( ResultsB ) to obtain the data, making Foo_FK, MonthCode_FK, Activity_FK unique per record.

If for some reason I found it preferable to PIVOT this table in a stored procedure to ease the amount of screwing around with SSRS I'd have to do ( and undoubtedly later maintain ), wishing to get the following format for consumption via a matrix tablix thingy:

Foo_FK  1312_0_X  1312_0_Y  1312_1_X  1312_1_Y  1401_0_X  1401_0_Y  1401_1_X  1401_1_Y  
1       10        2         5         1         15        3         7         2
2       9         3         1         2         6         2         17        4

How would I go about doing this in a not-mental way? Please refer to this SQL Fiddle at proof I am likely trying to use a hammer to build a device that pushes in nails. Don't worry about a dynamic version as I'm sure I can figure that out once I'm guided through the static solution for this test case.

Right now, I've tried to create a Foo_FK, MonthCode_FK set via the following, which I then attempt to PIVOT ( see the Fiddle for the full mess ):

SELECT  Foo_FK = ISNULL( a0.Foo_FK, a1.Foo_FK ),
        MonthCode_FK = ISNULL( a0.MonthCode_FK, a1.MonthCode_FK ),
        [0_X] = ISNULL( a0.SumResultX, 0 ),
        [0_Y] = ISNULL( a0.SumResultY, 0 ),
        [1_X] = ISNULL( a1.SumResultX, 0 ),
        [1_Y] = ISNULL( a1.SumResultY, 0 )
FROM (  SELECT  Foo_FK, MonthCode_FK, Activity_FK, 
                SumResultX, SumResultY
        FROM    dbo.t_FooActivityByMonth
        WHERE   Activity_FK = 0 ) a0
        SELECT  Foo_FK, MonthCode_FK, Activity_FK, 
                SumResultX, SumResultY
        FROM    dbo.t_FooActivityByMonth
        WHERE   Activity_FK = 1 ) a1
    ON  a0.Foo_FK = a1.Foo_FK;

I have come across some excellent advice on this SO question, so I'm in the process of performing some form of UNPIVOT before I twist everything back out using PIVOT and MAX, but if there's a better way to do this, I'm all ears.

Was it helpful?


It seems that you should be able to do this by applying unpivot to your SumResultX and SumResultY columns first, then pivoting the data:

;with cte as
  select Foo_FK, 
    col = cast(MonthCode_FK as varchar(6))+'_'
            +cast(activity_fk as varchar(1))+'_'+sumresult, 
  from dbo.t_FooActivityByMonth
  cross apply
      ('X', SumResultX),
      ('Y', SumResultY)
  ) c (sumresult, value)
select Foo_FK, 
  [201312_0_X], [201312_0_Y], [201312_1_X], [201312_1_Y],
  [201401_0_X], [201401_0_Y], [201401_1_X], [201401_1_Y]
from cte
  for col in ([201312_0_X], [201312_0_Y], [201312_1_X], [201312_1_Y],
              [201401_0_X], [201401_0_Y], [201401_1_X], [201401_1_Y])
) piv;

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

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