
) In a NSPopupButton I have to store different items. These can often change depending on other actions:

  NSArray* array = [NSArray arrayWithArray:mynewobject];
  // Obviously I do not know which items will be found by mynewobject

  //[_myPopupButton removeAllItems]; // ...But I want to mantain itemAtIndex:0!!
  // ..and then:

  for (NSDictionary *dict in array)
      [_myPopupButton addItemWithTitle:[[dict objectForKey:miciomicio] lastPathComponent]]; 

My intention is to delete old items and then add the new ones. Is possible to do this while maintaining item at index 0? ...It would be nice!

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NSMenuItem *firstItem  = [_myPopupButton itemAtIndex:0];
[_myPopupButton removeAllItems];
[[_myPopupButton menu] addItem:firstItem];
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