
A very basic question that I cannot seem to solve is how to add a new view to my Ruby on Rails Spree commerce application. What I want to do is have a link next to the Home link in the _main_nav_bar.html.erb and when you click it have displayed an about page at the place where the products are displayed. So:

home about       cart
things of the HOME page

Click on about leads to:

home about       cart
things of the ABOUT page

In views/shared/_main_nav_bar.html.erb the link I created (based on the home link) looks as follows:

<li id="home-link" data-hook><%= link_to Spree.t(:home), spree.root_path %></li>
<li id="about-link" data-hook><%= link_to Spree.t(:about), spree.about %></li>

The AboutController I created looks as follows:

module Spree
  class AboutController < Spree::StoreController

    def index


And finally, in config/routes.rb I added the following code:

root :about => 'about#index'

When I now try to start the server it just does not work anymore without giving an error message.

Can someone please help me out on this issue? How do I add a view and create a working link that loads in the main div?

EXTRA: routes.rb

MyStore::Application.routes.draw do

  mount Spree::Core::Engine, :at => '/'

  Spree::Core::Engine.routes.prepend do
     #get 'user/spree_user/logout', :to => "spree/user_sessions#destroy"

  get '/about' => 'spree/about#index'
  get '/contact' => 'spree/contact#index'

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You need to do in routes.rb:

Spree::Core::Engine.routes.prepend do
  get '/about', :to => 'about#index', :as => :about

or without the Spree::Core scope:

get '/about', :to => 'spree/about#index', :as => :about

Because, you have your about_controller.rb i.e. AboutController defined inside Spree module. And, hence you'll have to reference the spree namespace in your route to set it properly.

In your views:

<li id="about-link" data-hook><%= link_to Spree.t(:about), spree.about_path %></li>


<li id="about-link" data-hook><%= link_to Spree.t(:about), main_app.about_path %></li>
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