
I am confused about the compile_path setting in mix.exs. With a setting like below:

defmodule MyProject.Mixfile do
use Mix.Project

def project do
[ app: :my_project,
  version: "0.0.1",
  elixir: "~> 0.12.0",
  deps: deps,
  escript_main_module: MyProject,
  compile_path: "ebing/ew/ebin"]

# Configuration for the OTP application
def application do

# Returns the list of dependencies in the format:
# { :foobar, git: "", tag: "0.1" }
# To specify particular versions, regardless of the tag, do:
# { :barbat, "~> 0.1", github: "elixir-lang/barbat" }
defp deps do

With the compile_path and after running mix compile I still cannot find the directory ebing/we/ebin. I also tried making the directory first but then it is still empty. I also tried mix compile --force and it still builds in the default directory.

Can someone help with the understanding of the compile_path setting ?

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The :compile_path option is no longer supported. Mix will always compile to _build.

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