
I'm trying to map values from each object of a sequence to a map of two keys to a list, but I'm having some issues getting the correct syntax down.

def carConverter(cars: Seq[Car]): Map[(String, Int), List[Car]] = {
for ( car <- cars)
  yield Map[(String,Int), List[Car]] {

What I would like to do is iterate through this sequence, map each car's name ( and year (car.year) to the map as two keys, and append the car to the list of cars correlating to this name and year as the value of the Map. I am also trying to not make use of mutable variables here.

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The entries of maps are just tuples, knowing that you can just map over your Seq[Car] and create those tuples. After that just call toMap and you will get a Map: { car =>
  (, car.year) -> car


If you want to keep duplicates, it is easier to use groupBy:

cars.groupBy(car => (, car.year))
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