
I had a function that reads displays the contents of the SELECT query coming from WEBSQL of HTML5. I want to reuse that function but I have the problem since what am I getting is an Array of JSON object and I want to convert it it rows.item() so do anyone know how that works?

Example, I have this JSON Array


How can I convert it to like $result.rows.item()? item() is not an array right coz if it is an array it should be item[].


Using the idea and help of Jeff I figured out how to do it. See the live example

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Ok, so assuming that the only difference between your array and the item() function is that one is an array and the other a function (I'm assuming that you use item() as "$result.rows.item(3)" to get the 4th row), is pretty simple. Just define a function which takes a parameter i and returns the item at index i in the array. So:

var myItemFunction = function(i) {
     return retdic[i]


you don't need to convert this object, you can access your data in this way:

$result.retdic[0].lname // 0 - row number

or in a loop :

var i,item;
for (i in $result.retdic) {
  item = $result.retdic[i];

P.S.: if you wish, you can rename the 'retdic' key to 'rows'

$res = {"rows":[
  {"name": "a"},
  {"name": "b"},
  {"name": "c"}

var someKey = 'name',
valueOfSomeKey = $res.rows[rowNumberHere][someKey];
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