
I declared NSArray in my class

NSArray             *labelsArray;

I made it a property

@property (nonatomic,retain) IBOutletCollection(UILabel) NSArray *labelsArray;

I connected it to four UILabels in IB. I allocated the array. When i do this

NSLog(@"labelsArray.count %i",[labelsArray count]);

It tells me that labelsArray's count is 0. What should i do to actually add those labels to the array?

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I allocated the array.

It could be that the array is automatically instantiated for you when the NIB file is loaded and that reallocating it creates a new (empty) version of the array. Try not allocating it. Also make sure you NSLog the array in viewDidLoad, when the IB elements are loaded.


Where are you calling the NSLog statement? The array will not be instantiated until viewDidLoad is called.

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