
I was wondering if there is something similar to Java's JFileChooser for Python?

JFileChooser is a graphical front end to choose a file.

Preferably something that is already with Python. Maybe with Tkinter.

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For something that doesn't require wxPython and sticks with the standard Python libs, you can use the tkFileDialog.askopenfilename() method:


from Tkinter import *
from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename

root = Tk()
print askopenfilename()


wxPython ( provides the wx.FileDialog class which will give you a native file selection dialog on any of the supported platforms (Mac, Linux or Windows).

Easiest way I ever found to do this (using PyGTK and Kiwi):

from kiwi.ui.dialogs import open as open_dialog

chosen_path = open_dialog('Select a file', folder='/start/folder')

if chosen_path is not None:
    # do something ...

That would depend on your windowing toolkit. wxWidgets provides the wxFileDialog.

Maybe you would like to take a look at Jython.

For python 3 what you're looking for is tkinter.filedialog, and all that comes with it. Here's a short program that opens and then prints a TXT file of the user's choosing via askopenfilename:

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename

root = Tk()
pathString = askopenfilename(filetypes=[("Text files","*.txt")])
if pathString != "":
    openFile = open(pathString, 'r')
    fileString =

Output is whatever is in the selected file.

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