
I think I'm going mad. Can anyone help?

I have the folder c:\project\bin I run the following to execute my rake script

cd C:\project

In my rake script I have:

require 'rake/clean'

task :default => [:compile]

task :compile do
    # do nothing

It doesn't delete the "bin" folder nor the contents of the "bin" folder. I'm running Ruby in Windows (1.86 or so) and installed rake using, gem install rake.

Have I missed something. I've tried --trace etc.. but get no feedback.

Was it helpful?


TL;DR: $ rake clobber

As the answer above said, they are not implicilty invoked. Here is an example, as you asked for.

~/deleteme$ cd project
total 8
-rw-r--r--@ 1 josh  staff  110 Jun 27 06:04 Rakefile

~/deleteme/project$ cat Rakefile
require 'rake/clean'

task :default => ["compile"]

task :compile do
  mkdir 'bin'

~/deleteme/project$ rake
(in /Users/josh/deleteme/project)
mkdir bin

~/deleteme/project$ ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r--@ 1 josh  staff  110 Jun 27 06:04 Rakefile
drwxr-xr-x  2 josh  staff   68 Jun 27 06:05 bin

~/deleteme/project$ rake -T
(in /Users/josh/deleteme/project)
rake clean    # Remove any temporary products.
rake clobber  # Remove any generated file.

~/deleteme/project$ rake clobber
(in /Users/josh/deleteme/project)
rm -r bin

~/deleteme/project$ ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r--@ 1 josh  staff  110 Jun 27 06:04 Rakefile


CLEAN nor CLOBBER are not implicit tasks - you must declare dependency or invoke them

For an easier way to do it, try

task :default => [:compile, :clobber]

instead of

task :default => ["compile"]

And then in your command-line you can just run


Remember, in Ruby it is preferred to use Symbols instead of String literals

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