
I am developing an rails 3.1 mountable engine. Build the engine very well and mounted it on a sub-domain. Now what i am having issue is that, in my engine Gemfile i specified a gem:

gem "show_for", "~> 0.2.4"

also in .gemspec file

s.add_dependency "show_for", "~> 0.2.4"

then i used engine's script/rails g show_for:install and it created a initializer file in config/initilizers directory.

When i go to main_app and run bundle install it shows that gem in the list. But when i start the application it show the error:

path_to_my_engine/config/initializers/show_for.rb:2:in `<top (required)>': uninitialized constant ShowFor (NameError)

How can we resolve this issue?

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You might have to add: require 'show_for' at the top of your engine.rb file. I had a similar issue with my engine.

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