
I've a problem with result of a *.cfg file, containing $prescript parameter, running by check_logfiles.exe. My platform is MS Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit. I have to check in a dir, if there are *.err files. For do this job, i've write this powershell script:

$logfile = $args
$logfile = Foreach-Object {$logfile -replace '\\', '_' -replace "__", "" -replace ":", ""}
$result = ls $args -Filter *.err|Measure-Object -Line | select -expand lines
echo "$result file/s present with .*err string"| out-file -filepath $mypath$logfile'.log' -append -encoding unicode
exit 0

I've chose to elaborate $logfile parameter, because i have to check more paths, and i want to use the same script.

This is the cfg file:

$scriptpath = 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0';
$seekfilesdir = 'C:\nrpe\tmp';

$prescript = 'powershell.exe';
$prescriptparams = '-File C:\nrpe\libexec\check_err_file.ps1 \\\networkpath\FTP_Data\ExtraUE\Input';
$options = 'supersmartprescript';

  @searches = (
    tag => 'check_logfiles_test',
    type => 'simple',
    logfile => $log,
    criticalpatterns => ['.*'],
    criticalexceptions => ['0 file'],
    options => 'count,noprotocol,noperfdata',

The $log file it's empity if i run checklogfiles:

C:\nrpe\libexec\check_logfiles -f C:\nrpe\cfg\check_logfiles_test.cfg

But if i Run powershell manually, it works correctly:

PS C:> C:\nrpe\libexec\check_err_file.ps1 \networkpath\FTP_Data\ExtraUE\Input

Content of W:\nrpe\tmp\networkpath_FTP_Data_ExtraUE_Input:

1 file/s present with .*err string

this is trace log:

Fri Feb  7 16:55:08 2014: call (smart) prescript powershell.exe
Fri Feb  7 16:55:08 2014: found script in C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0/powershell.exe
Fri Feb  7 16:55:08 2014: execute C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -File C:\nrpe\libexec\check_err_file.ps1 \\networkpath\FTP_Data\ExtraUE\Input
Fri Feb  7 16:57:50 2014: script said: 
Fri Feb  7 16:57:50 2014: script powershell.exe exits with code 1
Fri Feb  7 16:57:50 2014: failed supersmart prescript. aborting...

ON Nagios this istance is in " CRITICAL : (Service Check Timed Out) "

Do you know what could be the problem?

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