
I am looking for a way to overwrite certain parts in a .dat file with 00000. For this I have a StringBuilder with content like this:

"00000000            0000000000000000          "

Now I am looking for a method that overwrites the parts in the file with zeroes, and justs keeps the content of the parts with spaces.

So if I have


I want it to turn into


Does such a method exist? Or should I accomplish this task in another way?

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var byteCharZero = Convert.ToByte('0');
var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("         00000000            0000000000000000 ");
using (var fileStream = File.Open("D:\\file.dat", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write))
  var length = Math.Min(stringBuilder.Length, fileStream.Length);
  for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
    if (stringBuilder[i] == '0')
      fileStream.Position = i;


I think your specification is slightly in error, but it seems that you want something like this:

var pattern   = new StringBuilder("         00000000            0000000000000000 ");
var target    = "AUEUIGHEVjerhvgm,eiouhegfwoedjkjjjjjjjjjjjjjjje";
var workspace = new StringBuilder(target);

for (int i = 0, n = Math.Min(pattern.Length, target.Length); i < n; ++i)
    if (pattern[i] != '0')
        workspace[i] = '0';

string result = workspace.ToString();

In this example, result will be 000000000jerhvgm,000000000000jkjjjjjjjjjjjjjj0e which isn't what your example states - but I think your example is slightly wrong...

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