
So say I want to...

insert into tableA, 2 variables from tableB, but only rows that are in tableB that have 1 of the variables equal to a certain thing...

hmm let's see if I can be more specific...

i want to create a new row in tableA with the userid and courseid from tableB for every row of tableB that has a courseid of 11

please advise

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INTO    tableA (col1, col2)
SELECT  userid, courseid
FROM    tableB
WHERE   courseid = 11


Well not knowing what columns you have in tableA, I'd say:

insert into tableA
from tableB where 
INSERT INTO TableA (userid, courseid)

SELECT userid, courseid FROM TableB
WHERE courseid = 11

That should do it for you.

You didn't mention which database you're using.

MS Access, for me, has proven to be very buggy when trying to do something like this.

You may use SELECT INTO if you are creating a new table using existing data:

SELECT <columns here> INTO tableA FROM tableB WHERE <restrictions here>

If you want to insert existing data into an existing table, you must use:

INSERT INTO tableA (<destination columns>) SELECT <source columns> FROM tableB WHERE <restrictions here> 

As described in other answers

insert into tableA(column1,column2,column3) select column1,column2,column3 from table B

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