
I am trying to work my way around the ObsoleteElementError and scratching my head at collecting the values from a select_list. I'm sure I have looked at it so long I'm missing something stupid. The closest I have got is

SearchPeriodList = browser.select_list(:name => "ctl00$PageContent$ddlPeriodSelector")  
SearchPeriodValues =  browser.options.collect { |item| SearchPeriodList.option.value }  

SearchPeriodValues.each do |item| 
    puts "Selected Period: #{item}"
    browser.select_list.option(:value => (item)).select
    browser.button(:id => "PageContent_btnShowResult").click    

<select name="ctl00$PageContent$ddlPeriodSelector" id="PageContent_ddlPeriodSelector">
<option value="42">2011 Jun-Jul</option>
<option value="41">2011 Apr-May</option>
<option value="40">2010 Dec-Mar 2011</option>
<option value="39">2010 Sep-Nov</option>
<option value="33">2010 Jul-Aug</option>
<option value="26">2010 May-Jun</option>
<option value="18">2010 Mar-Apr</option>
<option value="19">2009 Aug</option>
<option value="29">2009 Apr</option>
<input type="submit" name="ctl00$PageContent$btnShowResult" value="" id="PageContent_btnShowResult" class="butgo" />

But this just repeats the first value until the total number of values has been reached (in this case 9).

Was it helpful?


You're looping on every option in the browser, and not using the block variable.

Try this:

require 'watir-webdriver'
b =
b.goto ''
search_period_list = b.select_list :name => 'ctl00$PageContent$ddlPeriodSelector' 
search_period_values =  search_period_list.options.collect { |option| option.value }
# => ["42", "41", "40", "39", "33", "26", "18", "19", "29"]
search_period_values.each do |item|
  puts item
  b.select_list(:name => 'ctl00$PageContent$ddlPeriodSelector').option(:value => (item)).select
  b.button(:id => "PageContent_btnShowResult").click
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