
I'm trying to get Hotels from my database that have enough beds (user specifies guest count parameter). The query should look like this:

SELECT h.* FROM Hotel AS h
    (SELECT SUM(r.guestCount * r.count) 
    FROM Room AS r 
    WHERE r.hotel_id = >= $questCount

The above query contains subquery in the where clause. I've read doctrine's QueryBuilder documentation and I don't know how to make subquery in QB.

All I have now is:

$qb = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder()
    ->from('AAAHotelsBundle:Hotel', 'h')

Any ideas what to do next?

Of course I simplified the problem (the query itself is much more complex). I use Symfony2.

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I think this DQL will help you

SELECT h, SUM(r.guestCount * r.count) as TSUM FROM Hotel h JOIN r
WHERE TSUM  >= :questCount


DQL is not a solution in my case. I do really need to use QueryBuilder. I've asked the same question on Google Groups and here is the solution:

$qb = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder() 
    ->from('AAAHotelsBundle:Hotel', 'h') 
    ->join('Room', 'r') 
    ->having('SUM(r.guestCount * r.count) >= :guestCount') 
    ->setParameter("guestCount", $guestCount); 
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