
I'm not sure what the right approach here is. I am setting up a simple form. I need a couple of standard HTML input fields and a couple of select inputs. The data is coming from a couple of different sources and I would like to present the models and collections, with their data to the view like so:


var registerView = new registrationView.RegistrationForm({  
    model: userModel,  
    model2: departmentCollection  

Can I do this? Or do I need to split the form into separate regions, all with their own model or collection. If so, how do I call the model data in the template. I have not been able to make it work so far. I cannot find any examples of a form with mixed fields coming from different models and collections,

Many thanks


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You can do it using a composite view:

var registrationView.RegistrationForm = Marionette.CompositeView({
   // ...

var my View = new registrationView.RegistrationForm({  
    model: userModel,  
    collection: departmentCollection  

See and (a composite view inherits behavior from a collection view).

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