
I'm using AChartEngine ( library to display a pie chart in an Android app.

The pie chart can have lots of slides. I want to display just on some pie slices the values, but I could not make it work (I'm not even sure it is possible).

For the DefaultRenderer I've made:

renderer.setLabelsColor(Color.BLACK);  // color of the text displayed on the chart
renderer.setLabelsTextSize(12); // size of the text displayed on the chart

and for each SimpleSeriesRenderer:

if (pieSlidesNo > 5) {
} else {

but is not working - the values are displayed on each pie slice. What I want is like in the below image (the values are displayed only on first slices, not on all).

enter image description here

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For this you have to change Library Source.

Make change in draw() of and use renderer.setDisplayValues(true); of DefaultRenderer

 if (mRenderer.isDisplayValues()) {
            getLabel(mRenderer.getSeriesRendererAt(i).getChartValuesFormat(), mDataset.getValue(i)),
            mRenderer, prevLabelsBounds, mCenterX, mCenterY, shortRadius / 2, longRadius / 2,
            currentAngle, angle, left, right, mRenderer.getLabelsColor(), paint, false, true);

you can change angle comparison value (angle<60) according to ur requirement.

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