
I have the following code in my controller after the user posts the form but if the validation fails (_applicationValidator.Validate), I normally reload the "Edit" view but in this case I want to keep the dialog open and simply show these errors inside the dialog.

Controller Code:

    public ActionResult Update(ApplicationUpdater applicationUpdater_)
        if (_applicationValidator.Validate(applicationUpdater_, ModelState, ValueProvider))
            ApplicationsViewModel vm = new ApplicationsViewModel();
            vm.Applications = _repo.GetApplications();
            return View("Index", vm);
            ApplicationViewModel vm = GetApplicationVM();
            return View("Edit", vm);

View Code (jQuery)

 $(".showEditPopup").click(function() {
                { recnum: $(this).parents('tr:first').attr("recnum") },
                function(htmlResult) {
                    $("#container select[multiple]").asmSelect();
                        height: 675,
                        width: 650,
                        modal: true
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As said

But in this case i want to keep the dialop open and simply show these errors inside the dialog


After openning the dialog, you have to

  • hide previous error message


open: function(event, ui) {
    $(".error").css("display", "none");

After clicking dialog button, you have to

  • disable JQuery UI
  • Show "loading..." image
  • Send form


$("#loading").css("display", "block");


panel.dialog("option", "disabled", true);

After response is loaded (You can use JSON as response), you have to

  • Check whether it has errors.


// var response plays the role of JSON response

var response = {
            "error":"Name is required"

var hasErrors = false;

for(var i = 0; i < response.errors.length; i++) {
    if(response.errors[i].error != "") {
         hasErrors = true;

         $("#" + response.errors[i]["property-name"] + "-error")
           .css("display", "block");

if(!hasErrors) {

    alert("success form!");
} else {

    panel.dialog("option", "disabled", false);

Here you can see in Action

Notice you have a default behavior. So you can put it inside a external function


Most convenient:

  • Disable all input elements
  • Do an Ajax post to the Update function
  • Handle the server response in your UI. E.g. closing the jQuery UI form, or showing validation errors.

Change your Update function to return some wrapper object like:

return new { Succeeded = false, ValidationMessages = new [] { "Incorrect username" } };

$.post(/* postdata */, function(resp) {
     if(resp.Succeeded) //close jQuery UI dialog
     else {
         for(var i = 0; i < resp.ValidationMessages; i++) alert(resp.ValidationMessages[i]));

You can build your postdata, by quering all input/textarea etc. elements, and saving them into an array, something like (untested):

var data = [];    
$('input').each(function() {
    data.push([ $(this).id, $(this).val() ]);

You could use the jQuery form plugin to create an Ajax version of the editing form:

$(".showEditPopup").click(function() {
            function popDialog(htmlResult) {
                $("#container form").ajaxForm(function(result) {
                  // There may be an easier way (like testing for a 
                  // certain string in the result)
                  // to detect the need to "repop"
                  if ($(result).find('form').length) {
                  } else {
                    $("#EditUserControlDiv").dialog('close'); // or remove
                $("#container select[multiple]").asmSelect();
                    height: 675,
                    width: 650,
                    modal: true

            { recnum: $(this).parents('tr:first').attr("recnum") },
            function(result) { popDialog(result); }
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