
I have a Zimbra installation and I need to programmaticaly update contacts in it. It seems that its REST interface is only working to add new contacts, but I need to update existing ones. Is there a way, tool or something, open-source, to do that ?

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Well, I have an answer to my question : you may use the "zmmailbox" command. Under the Zimbra system user, it is possible to modify content in a mailbox. Since quite everything is stored in the Zimbra mailbox, contacts can be edited. I need now to find a way to use this :

box$ zmmailbox help contact

  autoComplete(ac)             [opts] {query}
    -v/--verbose                 verbose output

  autoCompleteGal(acg)         [opts] {query}
    -v/--verbose                 verbose output

  createContact(cct)           [opts] [attr1 value1 [attr2 value2...]]
    -i/--ignore                  ignore unknown contact attrs
    -f/--folder <arg>            folder-path-or-id
    -T/--tags <arg>              list of tag ids/names

  deleteContact(dct)           {contact-ids}

  flagContact(fct)             {contact-ids} [0|1*]

  getAllContacts(gact)         [opts] [attr1 [attr2...]]
    -f/--folder <arg>            folder-path-or-id
    -v/--verbose                 verbose output

  getContacts(gct)             [opts] {contact-ids} [attr1 [attr2...]]
    -v/--verbose                 verbose output

  modifyContactAttrs(mcta)     [opts] {contact-id} [attr1 value1 [attr2 value2...]]
    -i/--ignore                  ignore unknown contact attrs
    -r/--replace                 replace contact (default is to merge)

  moveContact(mct)             {contact-ids} {dest-folder-path}

  tagContact(tct)              {contact-ids} {tag-name} [0|1*]


You can send SOAP to ZCS, the details are in soap.txt (located under /opt/zimbra/docs). To modify a contact see ModifyContactRequest. You'll need to authenticate first using AuthRequest. Tons of good Zimbra developer information is here:

There's actually also a SOAP interface in Zimbra but from what I've been able to tell by reading the forums at, for some reason they "could not" (?!) document it properly, nor generate any WSDL file; thus I've never used it.

Apparently one would have to study the Java source code of Zimbra to see what's available.

If you have a recent install of Zimbra, you should be able to find the SOAP docs in /opt/zimbra/docs. I've not tried to use it yet's still Greek to me.


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