
Here's the fiddle.

I've plotted a line graph with the average of values using dc.js.

And for the data table I've successfully created it using jquery data table.

Now in the data table, entire data is getting displayed according the selection.

Is there any possibilities that I can show unique records grouped under the label column.

Tried grouping and passed it to aaData column. But when i do any selection nothing appears.

Any help will be very much pleased.

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You should use one of your group variables to feed the data to the table:

var datatable = $('.table').dataTable({
        "aaData" :,
        "bDestroy": true,
        "aoColumns": [
            { "mData": function(d) { return d.key; }, "sDefaultContent": ""},
            { "mData": function(d) { return d.value.count; }, "sDefaultContent": ""}
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