
I want to be able to run WSGI apps but my current hosting restricts it. Does anybody know a company that can accommodate my requirements?

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My automatic response would be WebFaction.

I haven't personally hosted with them, but they are primarily Python-oriented (founded by the guy who wrote CherryPy, for example, and as far as I know they were the first to roll out Python 3.0 support).


I am a big fan of Slicehost -- you get root access to a virtual server that takes about 2 minutes to install from stock OS images. The 256m slice, which has been enough for me, is US$20/mo -- it is cheaper than keeping an old box plugged in, and easy to back up. Very easy to recommend.

Plug plug for PythonAnywhere, our own modest offering in this space.

We offer free hosting for basic web apps, with 1-click config for popular frameworks like Django, Flask, Web2py etc. MySql is included, and you also get full suite of browser-based development tools like an editor and a console...

I have been using WebFaction for years and very happy with the service. They are not only python oriented. You should be able to run anything within the limitations of shared hosting (unless of course you have a dedicated server).

They are probably not the cheapest hosting service though. I don't know the prices. But I can still remember very well my previous hosting provider was unreachable for a week (not their servers, I mean the people).

I've been pretty happy with Dreamhost, and of course Google AppEngine.

Google App engine and

Have virtual server by OpenHosting, they are ultra fast with support and have very high uptime.

Check out

They are trying to collect information on Python hosting providers using variuos technologies (CGI, FCGI, mod_python, mod_wsgi, etc)

I advise you to have a look at

This PaaS platform can automatically scale up and down your application regarding your traffic. You can also finely customize if you want vertical, horizontal or both types of scalability. The consequence of this scaling is that you pay as you go : you only pay for your real consumption and not the potential one.

Deployment via git.

Non AWS, hosted in tier-4+ datacenters.

Free trial ;)

I use AWS micro server, 1 year free and after that you can get a 3 year reserved which works out to about $75/yr :) The micro server has only 20MB/sec throughput, ~600MB of ram, and a slower CPU. I run a few Mezzanine sites on mine and it seems fine.

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