
I'm creating a CMS in Cakephp. What I would like to do is to create 1 core project with al the basic controllers/models/views/...

Then I would like to create per website a projectfolder. That connects to the core project for its database/models/controllers and views. So that when I change something in the core project. It changed in all websites.

My folder structure is like this: - www - core (core project of the basic CMS) - Controller - Model - ... - lib (cakephp folder) - (folder of the website project that uses the core CMS - Controller (extends controller from core project) - Model (same as controller) - ...

In the bootstrap of the project I tried the following for my controllers:

    'Controller' => array(

Then I called the pagescontroller:

App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');

class AppPagesController extends PagesController {

    function index(){
        echo 'test';

But I get the following errors: Fatal error: Class 'PagesController' not found in /www/liwebbe/Controller/PagesController.php on line 4

So he doesn't find the Pagescontroller from my core project.

Is there anyone who could help me. Google doens't find any related problems.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards.

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That's because you're importing AppController, not PagesController

Try changing:

App::uses('AppController', 'Controller'); 


App::uses('PagesController', 'Controller');
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