
I use devise_invitable in my app to allow users to send invitations. I realized a bad case in which a user has been invited but ignores the invitation and later returns to the app to sign up on their own. Because devise_invitable handles invitations by creating a new user using the provided email address for the invitation, my uniqueness validation on the email field will cause Rails to complain, telling the user that the email address is already taken.

I'm trying to write some logic to handle this case. I see two paths - either figure a way to detect this and destroy the previously created user and allow the new one to be created, or detect the user was invited and execute another flow. I've decided to implement the second option, as I'd like to still utilize the invitation if possible.

My limited experience has me questioning if what I've written will work, but I can't actually fully test it because the Rails validation on the email is triggered. I've made sure Devise's :validatable module is inactive. I created a method that (I think) will detect if a user was invited and in that case the uniqueness validation should be skipped.

validates :email, uniqueness: true, unless: :was_invited?

def was_invited?
  if self.invitation_sent_at.present? && self.sign_in_count == 0

FWIW, I had originally written this in shorthand rather than breaking out the if/else, but I wanted to be very explicit in an effort to find the bug/failure.

The hope is that once the form passes validation, the create action will do some detection about a user's invitation status and, if they were invited, redirect them to the accept_user_invitation_path. Again, I haven't been able to actually test this yet because I can't get around the validations.

def create
  if User.find_by_email(params[:email])
    @existing_user = User.find_by_email(params[:email]) false)
    if @existing_user.was_invited?
      redirect_to accept_user_invitation_path(:invitation_token => @existing_user.invitation_token)

In a desperate effort, you'll see I've also added the .save(validate: false) to try to short circuit it there, but it's not even getting that far.

If I comment out the email validation entirely, simply to test the rest of the logic/flow, I get a PG error complaining on uniqueness because of an index on the email address - I don't want to tear all this apart simply to test this method.

I've tried to mess with this for hours and I'm at a loss - any help is appreciated. Let me know if there's any other code you want to see.

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Looking at the redirect:

redirect_to accept_user_invitation_path(:invitation_token => @existing_user.invitation_token)

I can see that there is no return which should mean that if that redirect was being called you should be getting an AbstractController::DoubleRenderError error as the parent controller's create method should be trying to render the new view.

From this I would guess that the query you are using to find the existing user is not actually returning a result, possibly because you are using params[:email] whereas if you are using the default views or a properly formatted form it should be params[:user][:email].


Maybe you should give more responsibilities to your controller...

If you find the user, use that, else create a new one. Assuming your form appears with http://yourapp/users/new, change it in your routes to http://yourapp/users/new/:email, making the user input their email before advancing to the form.

def new
    @existing_user = User.find_by_email("#{params[:email]}.#{params[:format]}") ||
    if @existing_user.was_invited? # will only work for existing user
        redirect_to accept_user_invitation_path(:invitation_token => @existing_user.invitation_token)
        render 'new'

def create
    # do maybe something before saving
        # do your magic
        render 'new', notice: "Oops, I didn't save"
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