
I'd like to get into ejb3 to gain some practice in writing for it. I searched for tutorials and how-to's but could find some scarce unhelpful information.

I'm looking for a tutorial or walkthrough that will guide me from the very basics (Which software do I need to install?) to write a "Hello World" for EJB3 with JBoss.

In short - Where do I start?


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It would make sense to start with JBoss Seam as it's an easy introduction into EJB3 (and JSF). Have a look at their "Getting Started" page.


EJB in Action is a great book

How about the JBoss EJB3 Tutorial -

Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0, Fifth Edition is a great book which helped me a lot. It is also has a JBoss workbook, as the auth=or as one of the lead developers of JBoss.

Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0, Fifth Edition

I would recommend EJB 3 tutorial in laliluna. That was my staring point for EJB 3 2 years ago.

It uses MyEclipse which is a commercial product. However you can still use Eclipse or JBoss IDE.

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