
I have a library-provided function that runs a callback after some processing.

Inside that callback, I'd like to access the parent object whose method starts that callback - see below.

class MaskMaker
  addMaskedImage: (imagefile, texturefile, canvasid) ->
    $('<img src="'+imagefile+'">').load ->
      console.log('Id like to call another MaskMaker method with @width as a parameter')

Obviously => will give me access to the parent object as this/@, -> will give me access to the element triggering the callback as this/@. But what's the neatest way to do both, eg, so I could call a direct method of MaskMaker with the images width as a parameter? Do I need a that = this hack or is there something better?


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But what's the neatest way to do both, eg, so I could call a direct method of MaskMaker with the images width as a parameter?

You can't choose both (obviously), so would have to go with either => +

$('<img src="'+imagefile+'">').load (ev) => @method

or good ol'

that = this
$('<img src="'+imagefile+'">').load -> that.method @width

See also:


If I'm understanding your structure of code completely, you can add a variable that holds a reference to the instance of MaskMaker. Due to scope, you'll be able to see anything further down the chain.

class MaskMaker
  var self = this;
  addMaskedImage: (imagefile, texturefile, canvasid) ->
    $('<img src="'+imagefile+'">').load ->
      console.log('Id like to call another MaskMaker method with @width as a parameter')
      //self references MaskMaker now, so you can call self.addMaskedImage for example

Define and bind your callback within the scope of MaskMaker:

 class MaskMaker
     afterAdd => console.log('Id like to call another MaskMaker method with @width as a parameter')
     addMaskedImage: (imagefile, texturefile, canvasid) ->
         $('<img src="'+imagefile+'">').load -> afterAdd()

Note that I'm using the fat arrow syntax => to bind the function stored in afterAdd to MaskMaker.

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