
Polymer element is defined as follows:

<polymer-element name="my-element">
       <template if="{{show==true}}">
           <div on-click="{{hideMe}}"> click to hide my div </div>
           <div id="mydiv">
               my div content here

And Dart code is as follows:

@observable bool show = true;

    Element e = $['mydiv'];
    e.hidden = true;

Code does not work as $['mydiv'] returns null. How to find an element in nested template in Dart polymer component?

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Why would you want to do that? <template if removes the nodes from the DOM when show == false. All you have to do is



In Dart

void hide() {
  show = false;

If you don't want to hide the <div on-click='...> move it outside the <template if=...>

Hint: If your show field is of type bool you can simplify to

 <template if="{{show}}">


Yes, $['id'] seems to fail with nested templates. But there is also the more verbose way, which works.

Element e = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#mydiv");
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