
I have a dataset as follows:

A = data.frame(rnorm(10),rnorm(10),rnorm(10),rnorm(10))

And then used igraph package to make a network out of the following:

inv[inv<0.5] <- 0
inv[inv==1] <- 0
g1 <- graph.adjacency(inv, mode = "undirected", diag=FALSE, weighted=TRUE)

Now to calculate the assortativity coefficeint of g1,

assortativity (g1, types1, types2 = NULL, directed = TRUE)

My question now is, how should I set "types", it says in the documentation, it is vertex values. What exactly is meant by that? I would like to calculate assortativity for any 5 vertex int he network. Could anyone tell me how this is done ?

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So I guess you want the nominal version of assortativity. Eg.

V(g1)$foo <- sample(1:3, replace=TRUE, vcount(g1))
assortativity.nominal(g1, types=V(g1)$foo)
# [1] -0.2270916

Types must be integers starting from 1. See details in the documentation.

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